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dc.contributor.authorSiddiqui, Z.
dc.contributor.authorFisher, M. B.
dc.contributor.authorSlade, C.
dc.contributor.authorDowner, T.
dc.contributor.authorKirby, M. M.
dc.contributor.authorIsbel, S. T.
dc.contributor.authorBrown Wilson, C.
dc.description.abstractPortfolios have been used in health professions for many decades as a means of documenting reflective practice that inform change, supports the understanding of professionals’ development needs and changing care options for clients. Electronic versions of one’s portfolio of evidence or E-Portfolios became more prevalent in the early 2000s as a repository to store evidence and reflections. However, in recent years E-Portfolios have evolved from a repository to an articulation of authentic learning and development. Introduction of a range of E-Portfolio technology options, hosting systems and increasing professional/ethical standards, has resulted in challenges and opportunities for academics and professionals to meet increasing requirements for teaching and support of students training for health professions. This paper explores twelve tips explained and justified in a Health Science context, designed to support students developing and using E-Portfolios to fulfil professional standards, show evidence of reflective practice and culminate in securing a job in their field.en_US
dc.subjecthealth professionsen_US
dc.subjectfaculty developmenten_US
dc.titleTwelve tips for introducing e-portfolios in health professions educationen_US

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