Hiển thị đơn giản biểu ghi

dc.contributor.authorLee, Yeonjoo
dc.contributor.authorChoi, Sunmee
dc.contributor.authorField, Joy M.
dc.description.abstractBuy-Online-Pick-up-in-Store (BOPS) service is a popular omnichannel retail initiative, intended to enhance the convenience of online customers. Focusing on the pick-up (PU) stage of BOPS service, we develop a comprehensive scale (BOPS-PU-QUAL) for its quality perceived by customers. A multi-step scale development procedure involving one qualitative and two quantitative studies resulted in a scale consisting of 16 items under four dimensions. Service effectiveness is found to be the strongest influencer on quality perceptions of BOPS-PU, followed by problem-handling, ease of access, and item-quality. A structural equation analysis reveals that BOPS-PU-QUAL perceptions positively affect customers’ behavioral intentions towards the brand’s BOPS service, with the relationship fully mediated by satisfaction with BOPS. This study contributes to omnichannel service quality research by identifying the critical quality dimensions of BOPS pick-up service that reflect the uniqueness of BOPS customers. These findings help practitioners realize the importance of managing BOPS-PU service quality and provide practical guidance. © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.en_US
dc.subjectomnichannel retailingen_US
dc.subjectpick-up serviceen_US
dc.subjectscale developmenten_US
dc.subjectservice qualityen_US
dc.titleDevelopment and validation of the pick-up service quality scale of the buy-online-pick-up-in-store serviceen_US

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