Các bộ sưu tập trong đơn vị

  • Jenny Dung Le, PhD [5]

    Faculty of Hospitality Management cum Marketing, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, College of Business and Management
  • Nguyen Thi Mai Lan (Alex), PhD., CFA [1]

    Program Director, Bachelor of Business Administration, College of Business and Management
  • Phi Thi Linh Giang, PhD. [1]

    Faculty of Tourism & Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Business Administration, College of Business and Management
  • Rohit Verma, PhD [6]

    Professor Academic Chair – Supply Chain & Management Major - College of Business and Management
  • Sunmee Choi, PhD [2]

    Dean of College of Business & Management

Các tài liệu mới cập nhật

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