Pranee Liamputtong, PhD: Recent submissions
Hiển thị tài liệu từ 21-40 của 50
Participatory Mapping as Research Tool 59 Social Inclusion and Young Refugee People
(2022)This chapter discusses the use of the participatory mapping approach in the research concerning social inclusion among young refugees from the Middle-East in Melbourne, Australia. Despite instances of stigma and social ... -
Social Inclusion, Research, and Practices in the Health and Social Sciences
(2022)Social inclusion emerged as a concept to respond to the increase of socially excluded and marginalized populations in the 1980s and 1990s. It has echoed pragmatics of “social, economic, and political participation” and ... -
Stigma, Discrimination, and Social Exclusion
(2022)Stigma is an important aspect of the social determinants of health, significantly influencing the distribution of health status and life opportunities for many individuals by creating inequalities and inequities. The ... -
The injury incidence and treatment experience among elite and beginner Thailand bodybuilders
(2023-02-28)Background. Bodybuilding is a sport where a person should do a lot of weight training while in the same time having a strict diet control. Due to this, they are believed to have higher chances of getting injured. However, ... -
The perceptions and practices of Thai health professionals providing maternity care for migrant Burmese women: An ethnographic study
(2021-07-06)Background: Across the globe, many women including economic and humanitarian migrants receive inadequate antenatal care. Understanding the difficulties that migrant women encounter when accessing maternity care, including ... -
Photovoice method and social inclusion
(2022)Muay Thai fighting has been embedded in traditional Thai sport for generations. However, little is known about the lives of these nak muay Thai (muay Thai fighters). This chapter discusses the study with nak muay Thai using ... -
Photo-elicitation for inclusive research on sensitive topics
(2022)Research into sensitive issues such as sexuality requires inclusive research methods if the experiences of women from diverse sociocultural backgrounds are to be included. Photo-elicitation is one of the visual methods ... -
Photo elicitation method and young refugees’ social participation in community
(2022)This chapter discusses the use of the photo elicitation method to examine the social experiences of young people with refugee backgrounds in regional Australia. In the study on which this chapter is based, the authors ... -
Photo elicitation and drawing methods in research with people with physical disabilities
(2022)Researching people with disabilities and a sensitive topic can be a great challenge for any researcher. An Nguyen, the first author, lives with a physical disability. She is also a social researcher. She has been researching ... -
Social capital and social inclusion
(2022)The role of social environments as determinants of health and well-being has been increasingly recognized. Among these social environmental components, social capital has received considerable attention in diverse fields. ... -
Participatory research and theoretical lenses
(2022)Participatory research (PR) refers to a distinction ideology of social research and social life, what Orlando Fals Borda coins as vivéncia (human forms of social life). PR has its close association with social transformation ... -
Participatory action research: Sexual and reproductive health and rights of young refugees and migrants
(2022)This chapter discusses sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of young people of refugee/immigrant background in an Australian setting. This is a socio-economically vulnerable population and at risk for neglect ... -
Migrant and refugee youth’s sexual and reproductive health and rights: A scoping review to inform policies and programs
(2923-06-05)Objectives: Migrants and refugee youth (MRY) in Western nations are less likely to participate in sexual reproductive health (SRH) services. Consequently, MRY are more likely to encounter adverse SRH experiences due to ... -
Feeling psychologically unsafe at school and university: Bullying and youth living with depression in Indonesia
(2023-03-19)The prevalence of bullying in Indonesia was 41% among students aged fifteen. This study explored the experiences of being bullied at school/university and the psychological trauma of being bullied among youth with mental ... -
Diary method and research on breastfeeding with working mothers in Malaysia
(2022)This chapter presents the authors' research that qualitatively examined the perceptions and experiences of infant feeding among working women in urban Malaysia. Exploring qualitatively enabled the researchers to obtain ... -
Coproduction of Knowledge Research as Inclusive Research
(2022-05)An increased use of the participatory research (PR) approach in health and social sciences has been witnessed in recent years. PR brings forth local knowledge and action that can uniquely help to address social and health ... -
Conducting cross-cultural research qualitatively in social science: setting the scene
(2022-12)Globally, cross-cultural research has become increasingly essential. In multicultural societies such as the UK, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, there has been an increasing number of people from different ... -
Community Gardens and Social Connectedness Among Rural Older People
(2020-09-24)Community gardens are growing in popularity as a strategy to effectively deal with population health at a local level. Community gardens can offer a range of psychosocial and health benefits to individuals who utilize them, ... -
Breast Cancer and Screening Prevention Programmes: Perceptions of Women in a Multicultural Community in Southern Thailand
(2023-03-10)Background: Breast cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among women worldwide and in Thailand. Objective: To explore perceptions of breast cancer and screening prevention programs among a group of at-risk ... -
Barriers and facilitators to access mental health services among people with mental disorders in Indonesia: A qualitative study
(2023-02-14)Background: The care and treatment management of people with mental health problems has become a prominent global concern in recent years that requires consistent attention. However, the literature suggests that only a ...