Associate Professor Pham Ngoc Nam is the Vice Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity, Vingroup and also a visiting scholar at Cornell University. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 1997 and his M.S. in Artificial Intelligence and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from KU Leuven, Belgium in 1999 and 2004 respectively. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, QoS/QoE management for multimedia applications, reconfigurable computing and low-power embedded system design. He is the author, co-author of 100 scientific articles including more than 30 ISI and Scopus publications. He has been the PI of 1 key national project, 3 ministerial-level projects and a key member in four other national projects. Prior to joining VinUni, he was with Hanoi University of Science and Technology where he served as Vice Dean at School of Electronics and Telecommunications. With this position, he has gained a lot of experience in CDIO based curriculum development and AUN-QA quality assessment at program level. He attended various trainings, both at home and abroad, on curriculum development and accreditation, quality assurance, higher education leadership development, active teaching/learning. He was a visiting professor at the University of Aizu, Japan in 2015, at Chulalongkon University, Thailand in 2013, and at University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA in 2009.

Recent Submissions

  • Joint preloading and bitrate adaptation for short video streaming 

    Nguyen, Tien Phong; Truong, Thu Huong; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Truong, Cong Thang; Nguyen, Duc (2023)
    Short videos have become one of the most popular content mobile users consume nowadays. However, unlike traditional videos, users watch many short videos each time and frequently skip those not of their interest. Not taking ...
  • QoE-aware video streaming over HTTP and software defined networking 

    Pham, Hong Thinh; Nguyen, Thanh Dat; Pham, Nam Ngoc; Nguyen, Thanh Huu; Truong, Huong Thu (2019-08-19)
    Due to the increase in video streaming traffic over the Internet, more innovative methods are in demand for improving both Quality of Experience (QoE) of users and Quality of Service (QoS) of providers. In recent years, ...
  • An LSTM-based Approach for Overall Quality Prediction in HTTP Adaptive Streaming 

    Tran, Huyen T.T.; Nguyen, Duc V.; Nguyen, Duong D.; Pham, Nam Ngoc; Truong, Thang Cong (2019-04-29)
    HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) has become a popular solution for multimedia delivery nowadays. In HAS, video quality is generally varying in each streaming session. Therefore, a key question in HTTP Adaptive Streaming is ...
  • A Subjective study on user perception aspects in virtual reality 

    Tran, Huyen T.T.; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Pham, Cuong Thi; Jung, Yong Ju; Truong, Thang Cong (2019-08-01)
    Three hundred and sixty degree video is becoming more and more popular on the Internet. By using a Head-Mounted Display, 360-degree video can render a Virtual Reality (VR) environment. However, it is still a big challenge ...
  • An Efficient QoE-Aware HTTP Adaptive Streaming over Software Defined Networking 

    Pham, Hong Thinh; Nguyen, Thanh Dat; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Nguyen, Huu Thanh; Nguyen, M. Hien; Truong, Thu Huong (2020-10)
    Due to the increase in video streaming traffic over the Internet, more innovative methods are in demand for improving both Quality of Experience (QoE) of users and Quality of Service (QoS) of providers. In recent years, ...
  • Scalable 360 Video Streaming using HTTP/2 

    Nguyen, Duc V.; Hoang, Van Trung; Hoang Le, Huong Dieu; Truong, Huong Thu; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Truong, Thang Cong (2019-09)
    360-degree video is the main content type of Virtual Reality, providing users with immersive viewing experience. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptation method for 360-degree video streaming over HTTP/2, which can ...
  • A weighted viewport quality metric for omnidirectional images 

    Tran, Huyen T.T.; Hoang, Trang H.; Minh, Phu N.; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Cong Thang, Truong (2020)
    Thanks to the ability to bring immersive experiences to users, Virtual Reality (VR) technologies have been gaining popularity in recent years. A key component in VR systems is omnidirectional content, which can provide ...
  • Retina-based quality assessment of tile-coded 360-degree videos 

    Nguyen, Viet Hung; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Truong, Cong Thang; Bui, Duy Tien; Nguyen, Huu Thanh; Truong, Thu Huong (2022-06-21)
    Nowadays, omnidirectional content, which delivers 360-degree views of scenes, is a significant aspect of Virtual Reality systems. While 360 video requires a lot of bandwidth, users only see visible tiles, therefore a large ...
  • An effective foveated 360° image assessment based on graph convolution network 

    Truong, Thu Huong; Tran, T. T. Huyen; Ngo, Duc Viet; Bui, Duy Tien; Nguyen, Huu Thanh; Truong, Cong Thang; Pham, Ngoc Nam (2022-09-06)
    Virtual reality (VR) has been adopted in various fields such as entertainment, education, healthcare, and the military, due to its ability to provide an immersive experience to users. However, 360° images, one of the main ...
  • Flexible HTTP-based Video Adaptive Streaming for good QoE during sudden bandwidth drops 

    Hung, Nguyen Viet; Chien, Trinh Dac; Nam, Pham Ngoc; Huong, Truong Thu (2023)
    We have observed a boom in video streaming over the Internet, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, that could exceed the network resource availability. In addition to upgrading the network infrastructure, finding a way ...
  • An Evaluation of the Impact of Distance on Perceptual Quality of Textured 3D Meshes 

    Nguyen, Duc; Tran, Thuy Hien; Tran, Huyen T. T.; Truong, Thu Huong; Pham, Ngoc Nam (2024-01)
    Distance-aware quality adaptation is a potential approach to reduce the resource requirement for the transmission and rendering of textured 3D meshes. In this paper, we carry out a subjective experiment to investigate the ...
  • QoE-Aware Video Streaming over HTTP and Software Defined Networking 

    Pham Hong, Thinh; Nguyen Thanh, Dat; Pham Ngoc, Nam; Nguyen Huu, Thanh; Truong Thu, Huong (2019)
    Due to the increase in video streaming traffic over the Internet, more innovative methods are in demand for improving both Quality of Experience (QoE) of users and Quality of Service (QoS) of providers. In recent years, ...
  • Flexible HTTP-based video adaptive streaming for good QoE during sudden bandwidth drops 

    Nguyen, Viet Hung; Trinh, Dac Chien; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Truong, Thu Huong (2023)
    We have observed a boom in video streaming over the Internet, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, that could exceed the network resource availability. In addition to upgrading the network infrastructure, finding a way ...
  • QoE-aware video streaming over HTTP and software-defined networking 

    Pham, Hong Thinh; Nguyen, Thanh Dat; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Nguyen, Huu Thanh; Truong, Thu Huong (2019)
    The exponential growth in video streaming traffic over the Internet has created a demand for innovative methods to enhance both Quality of Experience (QoE) for users and Quality of Service (QoS) for providers. HTTP Adaptive ...
  • Overall quality prediction for HTTP adaptive streaming using LSTM network 

    Pham, Ngoc Nam; Truong, Cong Thang; Tran, T. T. Huyen; Nguyen, V. Duc (2021-08)
    HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) has become a widely adopted method for delivering multimedia content. However, the variability in network bandwidth often results in fluctuating video quality during streaming, posing a ...
  • A Subjective Study on User Perception Aspects in Virtual Reality 

    Tran, T. T. Huyen; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Pham, T. Cuong; Jung, Yong Ju; Truong, Cong Thang (2019-08-16)
    Three hundred and sixty degree video is becoming more and more popular on the Internet. By using a Head-Mounted Display, 360-degree video can render a Virtual Reality (VR) environment. However, it is still a big challenge ...
  • The title of the paper is: **A Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Human Detection and Segmentation Quality in Person Re-identification Performance** 

    Nguyen, Thuy Binh; Nguyen, Hong Quan; Le, Thi Lan; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Pham, Thi Thanh Thuy (2019)
    Person re-identification, a problem of person identity association across camera views at different locations and times, is the second step in two-steps system for automatic video surveillance: person detection, tracking ...
  • An Effective Foveated 360◦ Image Assessment Based on Graph Convolution Network 

    Truong, Thu Huong; Do, Thu Ha; Tran, Huyen T. T.; Ngo, Duc Viet; Bui, Duy Tien; Nguyen, Huu Thanh; Truong, Cong Thang; Pham, Ngoc Nam (2022-09-04)
    Virtual reality (VR) has been adopted in various fields such as entertainment, education, healthcare, and the military, due to its ability to provide an immersive experience to users. However, 360◦ images, one of the main ...
  • A Weighted Viewport Quality Metric for Omnidirectional Images 

    Tran, Huyen T. T.; Hoang, Trang H.; Minh, Phu N.; Pham, Nam N.; Truong, Thang C. (2020-01-01)
    Thanks to the ability to bring immersive experiences to users, Virtual Reality (VR) technologies have been gaining popularity in recent years. A key component in VR systems is omnidirectional content, which can provide ...
  • Towards an Overall QoE Model for 360-Degree Video 

    Tran, Huyen T. T.; Pham, Ngoc Nam; Truong, Cong Thang (2021-01-13)
    Although 360-degree video is becoming more and more popular on the Internet, understanding of Quality of Experience (QoE) of 360-degree video is still limited. In this paper, we aim to investigate for the first time the ...

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