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dc.contributor.authorParsa, Nader
dc.contributor.authorZibaeenezhad, Mohammad Javad
dc.contributor.authorTrevisan, Maurizio
dc.contributor.authorKarimi Akhormeh, Ali
dc.contributor.authorSayadi, Mehrab
dc.description.abstractTo determine the conclusive integrity in the Shiraz Cohort Heart Study (SCHS) project, management began quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) of the collected data throughout the study end-points. The QA is a focused process that prevents and detects data collection errors and verification of intended requirements in the SCHS. The QC is a subset of QA intended to capture errors in processing data through testing and preventive processes to identify problems, defects, or intended requirements. SCHS involved 10,000 males and females aged 40-70 over a 10-year follow-up period with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in the city of Shiraz, Iran. The study measured events and access to preventive care in Shiraz city. The SCHS identified unique barriers to select national study models in developing standardized measures related to variations in ethnicity, religion, cross-cultural considerations, and others. A suggested response to this problem was to develop a mechanism to standardize elements of the questionnaire, study design, and method of administration. This action was based on the geographically normal distribution of the Family Physician Health and Medical Services in Shiraz. Important QA and QC decisions were developed and adopted in the construction of the SCHS and follow-up to ensure conclusive integrity.en_US
dc.titleMagnitude of the Quality Assurance, Quality Control, and Testing in the Shiraz Cohort Heart Studyen_US

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