Hiển thị đơn giản biểu ghi

dc.contributor.authorLan, Tian
dc.contributor.authorDo, Truong
dc.contributor.authorAl-Ketan, Oraib
dc.contributor.authorFox, Kate
dc.contributor.authorTran, Phuong
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a novel multiscale explicit topology optimisation approach for concurrently optimizing the structure at the macro level and the bio-mimicking porous infillings at the micro level. Solid bar components with cross-section control at the macro level and sphere components at the micro level are constructed as the minimal control units to replace the manipulation of material distribution at each grid. The overlapping, moving and morphing of bar components provide the ability to generate flexible structural shapes at the macro level. Using the inspiration of the turtle shell (carapace), the sphere components are designed to move, overlap, and resize inside the bar to sufficiently mimic both the regular and irregular porous features. Classical beam designs, lattice structure designs and unit cell designs are illustrated as numerical examples to demonstrate the functionalities and correctness of the proposed method. As a result, the stochastic pores distribution and porosity control can be validated. The abilities of optimising lattice structure at truss-level and single unit cell level are demonstrated. Moreover, the samples are fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) technology and then scanned with the X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) technique to further examine the manufacturability.en_US
dc.subjectadditive manufacturingen_US
dc.subjectConcurrent multiscale topology optimisationen_US
dc.subjectmoving morphable componentsen_US
dc.subjectporous infillingsen_US
dc.titleConcurrent multiscale topology optimisation towards design and additive manufacturing of bio-mimicking porous structuresen_US

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Tài liệu này xuất hiện trong Bộ sưu tập

  • Do Tho Truong, PhD. [11]
    Director, Mechanical Engineering program, College of Engineering and Computer Science

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