Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Cumulative Quality Modeling for HTTP Adaptive Streaming
HTTP Adaptive Streaming has become the de facto choice for multimedia delivery. However, the quality of adaptive video streaming may fluctuate strongly during a session due to throughput fluctuations. So, it is important ...
Retina-based quality assessment of tile-coded 360-degree videos
Nowadays, omnidirectional content, which delivers 360-degree views of scenes, is a significant aspect of Virtual Reality systems. While 360 video requires a lot of bandwidth, users only see visible tiles, therefore a large ...
QoE Models for Adaptive Streaming: A Comprehensive Evaluation
Adaptive streaming has become a key technology for various multimedia services, such as online learning, mobile streaming, Internet TV, etc. However, because of throughput fluctuations, video quality may be dramatically ...
Scalable 360 Video Streaming using HTTP/2
360-degree video is the primary content type in Virtual Reality, offering users an immersive viewing experience. This paper introduces a novel adaptation method for streaming 360-degree video over HTTP/2, aimed at enhancing ...
Towards an Overall QoE Model for 360-Degree Video
Although 360-degree video is becoming more and more popular on the Internet, understanding of Quality of Experience (QoE) of 360-degree video is still limited. In this paper, we aim to investigate for the first time the ...
An LSTM-based Approach for Overall Quality Prediction in HTTP Adaptive Streaming
HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) has become a popular solution for multimedia delivery nowadays. In HAS, video quality is generally varying in each streaming session. Therefore, a key question in HTTP Adaptive Streaming is ...
An Effective Foveated 360◦ Image Assessment Based on Graph Convolution Network
Virtual reality (VR) has been adopted in various fields such as entertainment, education, healthcare, and the military, due to its ability to provide an immersive experience to users. However, 360◦ images, one of the main ...
A Subjective Study on User Perception Aspects in Virtual Reality
Three hundred and sixty degree video is becoming more and more popular on the Internet. By using a Head-Mounted Display, 360-degree video can render a Virtual Reality (VR) environment. However, it is still a big challenge ...
Overall quality prediction for HTTP adaptive streaming using LSTM network
HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) has become a widely adopted method for delivering multimedia content. However, the variability in network bandwidth often results in fluctuating video quality during streaming, posing a ...
An effective foveated 360° image assessment based on graph convolution network
Virtual reality (VR) has been adopted in various fields such as entertainment, education, healthcare, and the military, due to its ability to provide an immersive experience to users. However, 360° images, one of the main ...