Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Understanding Hierarchical Processes
Hierarchical stochastic processes, such as the hierarchical Dirichlet process, hold an important position as a modelling tool in statistical machine learning, and are even used in deep neural networks. They allow, for ...
A systematic review of the use of topic models for short text social media analysis
Recently, research on short text topic models has addressed the challenges of social media datasets. These models are typically evaluated using automated measures. However, recent work suggests that these evaluation measures ...
AUC Maximization for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition
Current work in named entity recognition (NER) uses either cross entropy (CE) or conditional random fields (CRF) as the objective/loss functions to optimize the underlying NER model. Both of these traditional objective ...
Does informativeness matter? Active learning for educational dialogue act classification
Dialogue Acts (DAs) can be used to explain what expert tutors do and what students know during the tutoring process. Most empirical studies adopt the random sampling method to obtain sentence samples for manual annotation ...
Hardness-guided domain adaptation to recognize biomedical named entities under low-resource scenarios
Domain adaptation is a promising approach to address data scarcity in low-resource scenarios. However, applying it to token-level tasks like biomedical Named Entity Recognition (bioNER) poses challenges due to the unique ...
On the effect of isotropy on VAE representations of text
Injecting desired geometric properties into text representations has attracted a lot of attention. A property that has been argued for, due to its better utilisation of representation space, is isotropy. In parallel, VAEs ...
Cross-domain graph anomaly detection via anomaly-aware contrastive alignment
Cross-domain graph anomaly detection (CD-GAD) describes the problem of detecting anomalous nodes in an unlabelled target graph using auxiliary, related source graphs with labelled anomalous and normal nodes. Although it ...
Robust Educational Dialogue Act Classifiers with Low-Resource and Imbalanced Datasets
Dialogue acts (DAs) can represent conversational actions of tutors or students that take place during tutoring dialogues. Automating the identification of DAs in tutoring dialogues is significant to the design of dialogue-based ...
A systematic review of the use of topic models for short text social media analysis
Recently, research on short text topic models has addressed the challenges of social media datasets. These models are typically evaluated using automated measures. However, recent work suggests that these evaluation measures ...