Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Environmental Linguistics 

      Harrison, K. David (2022-10)
      Environmental linguistics is an emerging field at the intersection of linguistics and natural sciences. It recognizes the mutual relationship between cultural and ecological diversity, documenting linguistic structures and ...
    • Environmental Linguistics 

      Harrision, K. David (2022-10)
      Environmental linguistics is an emerging field at the intersection of linguistics and natural sciences. It recognizes the mutual relationship between cultural and ecological diversity, documenting linguistic structures and ...
    • Wind Lore as Environmental Knowledge in Southern Vanuatu 

      Harrison, K. David; Kelso, Neal; Ramik', Dominik M. (Mokpo National University, 2024-04-24)
      Wind lore constitutes an important domain of environmental knowledge in eight cultures of southern Vanuatu (Aneityum, Futuna, Aniwa, Nafe,Naka, Netwar, Nanu, and Nahual). Our study reviews previous studies in Oceania which ...

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