Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Does informativeness matter? Active learning for educational dialogue act classification 

      Tan, Wei; Lin, Jionghao; Lang, David; Chen, Guanliang; Gasevic, Dragan; Du, Lan; Buntine, Wray (2023-04-12)
      Dialogue Acts (DAs) can be used to explain what expert tutors do and what students know during the tutoring process. Most empirical studies adopt the random sampling method to obtain sentence samples for manual annotation ...
    • Robust Educational Dialogue Act Classifiers with Low-Resource and Imbalanced Datasets 

      Lin, Jionghao; Tan, Wei; Nguyen, Ngoc Dang; Lang, David; Du, Lan; Buntine, Wray; Beare, Richard; Chen, Guanliang; Gašević, Dragan (2023-04-15)
      Dialogue acts (DAs) can represent conversational actions of tutors or students that take place during tutoring dialogues. Automating the identification of DAs in tutoring dialogues is significant to the design of dialogue-based ...

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