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Hiển thị tài liệu từ 1-3 của 3
Engineering a light–matter strong coupling regime in perovskite-based plasmonic metasurface: quasi-bound state in the continuum and exceptional points
We present theoretically the formation of exciton–photon polaritons and exciton-surface plasmon polaritons in a perovskite-based subwavelength lattice on the metallic plane. It is shown that the latter polaritons will be ...
Ultra‐broadband and fexible metamaterial absorber based on MoS2 cuboids with Mie resonances
In this work, we present a type of flexible and broadband metamaterial absorber operating in the GHz range. The proposed structure consists of three layers: a periodic square-shaped array made of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) ...
Coexistence of surface lattice resonances and bound states in the continuum in a plasmonic lattice
We present a numerical study on a 2D array of plasmonic structures covered by a subwavelength film. We explain the origin of surface lattice resonances (SLRs) using the coupled dipole approximation and show that the ...